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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Little Photo Dump

So, I am doing this little post because, well, I don't have another one planned. Talk about not being prepared. But this is my photos.

I'm not sure when this was...I think Friday!?!  But we all decided it was going to be a lazy day.  And when we ALL decide's a miracle.

Honestly, we didn't do anything Saturday or Sunday.

Monday, we went to a very impromptu cookout at my brothers.  

I did have time to throw this yummy little beauty together.

We got ready.  P dressed herself.  Of course.

I was able to get a little more sun on those bright white legs.

Lunch/dinner was pretty darn good.  And the company wasn't bad either!

And P got to play outside with her cousin C.

P was worn out and actually went to bed easily.  Yay!  And I got some more sun.  It was a semi-relaxing day.

I wanted to throw this in...because Graye is adorable.  She doesn't normally sleep on her back.

And last night, I saw the back of P's head.  Oh My!!  Her hair is getting really curly!

Ok, well, that's all for today.  Hopefully, I will have something of more substance later in the week.

Happy Reading!

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