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Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

This past weekend was filled with joy and laughter and lots of memory making activities.  Yeah...that's a load of crap.  It was a weekend...just like every other weekend.

I woke up to fix breakfast.  Fought with P about her "homeless girl" attire.  Fixed lunch and dinner.  Tried to avoid tantrums and meltdowns (unsuccessfully).  Etc.  Etc.

Friday was grocery shopping day.  Saturday was "fun" shopping day.  And that pretty much was the extent of those exciting days.

(edit...I forgot...Saturday, I spent the evening rearranging my living room.  That was actually fun.  Awesomeness!)

Sunday was Mother's Day.  I'm a single mom.  So, there was no sleeping in or breakfast in bed.  There were no surprise gifts (I got mine a few days ago because P couldn't wait).  And of course, this was the ONE morning P doesn't want pancakes.  I was really craving some, but since she didn't want them, I didn't make them for me.

After getting her fed, I got to fixing the cake for Mother's Day lunch.  I got pinspired and just threw some stuff together.  It turned into an angel food cake with cream cheese/cool whip/strawberry chunk icing.  It was topped with strawberry chunks and a melted nutella drizzle.  AH MAZ ING!!!!  And pretty too!

We got dolled up and went to our family's cookout. 
The food was delicious.  And we had a blast.

 We usually get a game of something going.  I say we when what I mean is they.  Today, they played volleyball.
And while they played volleyball, P and her uncle went around the block.

We came home and wasted time.  We were planning on having movie night but we were both pretty tired.  We went to bed early.  Early for us.  

I hope all of you mamas out there had a wonderful Mother's Day.

One Lucky Mama

Have a wonderful week everyone!!

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