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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Day Late...

And a Dollar Short...right y'all!?!

That's about how I'm feeling right now.

I did not have the energy or patience to do much of anything yesterday...including writing a post.  Sorry...I'm not sorry.  I woke up with a massive headache (which is different from my usual migraines).  I barely got dressed.

Are you looking for a weekend recap?  Yeah, I'm going to make that short and sweet.

Friday...I slept.  No really.  I took P to her dad's and then I came home and ate and then went to sleep.  After I woke up from my 4 hour nap, I decided to start on some things I've been needing to do for a while.  Then I didn't do them.  And I decided to make a "half slip skirt extender."  Yeah, it turned out awesome.  I'll be putting the tutorial up later in the week for Weekly Pinspiration.  You should totally be looking forward to that.

On Saturday, I did more of the same.  I didn't leave my house once.  Not once.  I actually did manage to finish some projects...including a remodel of my "office" window.  I took down some boards and put up a sheet and some new sheers.  Sounds odd?  Yeah, it probably is.  I also made a new version of this tortilla muffin thing.  I'll be posting that recipe later this week too.  There are lots of ideas for that recipe.  That's another one to look forward too.

Sunday...I cleaned house.  It needed it.  And I slept some more.  I love to sleep.  I have this need to catch up every other weekend.  No matter how many plans I have.  No matter how many awesome things are going on.  I will probably be sleeping if I don't have P.  Plain and simple.

Well, that was my weekend.  I really hope yours was way more exciting than mine.  I will leave you with some adorableness from my childrens....

 Check out all her mama hair!  That's what we call the waves and curls and frizz...because it's just like mine!
It hasn't always been like mine.  Just over the last few months has it gotten more out of control.  She loves the poofy part. 

The Evidence

And the furry ones...

This is seriously how they sleep together.  I do not pose them.  Let's face it, what cat would even let you pose them?  They just end up snuggling...usually because Remy wants to.  It really is adorable.  

And speaking of Remy...check out his new video.  Seriously, he may have been around humans too long.  He eats with his paws now.

And...that's all folks...

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