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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Letter to Myself at 21

I've been wanting to write myself a letter for a while.  And it just so happens that two of my fav blog reads are hosting a link up to do just that.  Make sure you check out Holly and Jake's blogs.  Both are hilariously awesome.

button we letter to 21 year old me....


Dear Kristina (21 years old),

I never thought talking to myself could be so hard.  I mean, really, I do it daily.  But I guess there are a couple things I could tell you.

Stop being an effing moron with the drinking and driving.  That shit is serious and stupid.  Just stop.  Being lucky doesn't make it ok.

Go back to school and finish your degree.  If you don't, you'll still be working on it in 10 years.  Not cool, my friend.  You'll be old and tired and have waaaaay less of an attention span.

You will date some a lot of whack jobs.  Seriously.  I'm talking "off their meds" crazy. I'm a little undecided as to whether you should completely avoid them.  The one thing I will say...don't fall head over heels for every one you date.  It won't work out with any of them.  Not a single one.  But don't fret, you will be happy and single...eventually.  But it'll take a lot for you to realize coupledom ain't for you!

As much as I would like to tell you NOT to get married again, I can't.  Amazing things come from it.  Unfortunately, a relationship isn't one of them...unless you count the relationship with a mini-you.  You will be blessed.

And speaking of mini-you, try not to make her too independent.  Or overindulge her.  Independence is great...until about the age if 4 when she loses her damn mind and thinks she can scream at you like she's in a bad after school special.  So far, 5 isn't any better than 4.

Let me give you some advice about your family.  Love them.  Spend time with them.  Mom does know everything.  She will be your biggest ally in the years ahead.  Get over it now and just go with it. 

I wish I could tell you more.  I wish I could remember more.  I know you (us) well enough to know that any advice will fall on deaf ears.  And that's ok.  Because even if you don't take any of my advice, we will turn out ok.  Life is what it is.  And it will be that way regardless.  Even though I could live with some changes, I'm ok.  You're ok.

Life will be tough at times.  Things won't always seem fair.  But you will have fun.  And you will get through the next 11 years.  As a matter of fact, you may come out better off.  And that's all we can ask for, right!?  To be better tomorrow than we are today!?!

Remember to LAUGH...and to LOVE.  It's no cliche.

Kristina (32 years old)

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  1. Yes, drinking and driving is a tough lesson for some!! Great advice-- thanks for linking up!! :)


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